Cenata GmbH | Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 23 | D-72076 Tübingen | Tel. 07071 – 565 44 430 | Fax 07071 – 565 44 444

Cenata GmbH | Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 23 | D-72076 Tübingen | Tel. 07071 – 565 44 430 | Fax 07071 – 565 44 444

Quality Management

Safe Method.
Secure Result.
Safe Method.
Secure Result.
Safe Method.
Secure Result.

Quality Management

Quality has the highest priority for Cenata GmbH.

Our laboratory has been accredited since September 2019 by the DAkkS according to DIN EN ISO 15189. The accreditation applies to the scope of accreditation listed in the attachment [D-ML-21205-01-00]. This accreditation certifies medical laboratories a very high standard of quality and competence.


As part of the external quality assessment, Cenata GmbH successfully participates annually in interlaboratory tests of the GenQA (Genomics Quality Assessment, Oxford).

Quality Management

Quality has the highest priority for Cenata GmbH.

Our laboratory has been accredited since September 2019 by the DAkkS according to DIN EN ISO 15189. The accreditation applies to the scope of accreditation listed in the attachment [D-ML-21205-01-00]. This accreditation certifies medical laboratories a very high standard of quality and competence.


As part of the external quality assessment, Cenata GmbH successfully participates annually in interlaboratory tests of the GenQA (Genomics Quality Assessment, Oxford).

Quality Management

Quality has the highest priority for Cenata GmbH.

Our laboratory has been accredited since September 2019 by the DAkkS according to DIN EN ISO 15189. The accreditation applies to the scope of accreditation listed in the attachment [D-ML-21205-01-00]. This accreditation certifies medical laboratories a very high standard of quality and competence.


As part of the external quality assessment, Cenata GmbH successfully participates annually in interlaboratory tests of the GenQA (Genomics Quality Assessment, Oxford).

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